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cost vs value

Gastric Bypass Surgery: Cost vs. Value

The Sosa Clinic and our bariatric surgeons have the answers you are looking for about the cost of gastric bypass and gastric sleeves.

Sometimes, working out and eating healthy just isn’t enough to get you the body you’ve always wanted. It is usually when all other natural remedies are exhausted, that people begin to look into surgeries for answers. Even then, cosmetic surgery has gotten a lot of flack in the past, so a lot of people either decide against it out of fear of what others might think of them. Or they get it done and never open up to talk about it with people because of the same fear.

It is 2022, and it is time we move past this scrutiny as a society. Gastric bypass surgery is so much more than “an easy way to lose weight.” In fact, this stereotype is nothing more than that. A stereotype. Recovery from bypass can actually be quite challenging.

So if you are looking for a long term solution to your health conditions, including things like sleep apnea, breathing problems, and any other health problem as a result of your weight, look no further than gastric bypass surgery.

What Is a Gastric Bypass?

Bariatric surgery is essentially a surgery done to — in a sense — shrink the size of your stomach so you feel fuller faster. There are a few different types of bariatric surgery including:

  • Sleeve gastrectomy 
  • Adjustable band bypass 
  • Laparoscopic gastric bypass

Basically, gastric bypass is when the surgeon divides the stomach into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower pouch. The surgeon then connects the two with the small intestine.

People decide on bariatric surgery for a number of reasons, including:

  • Reducing health problems
  • Increasing stamina
  • Increased breathing and exercising capabilities 
  • Strengthening the heart (because they can effectively workout afterward)
  • Body confidence 
  • To help heal mental and physical trauma 
  • To learn new eating habits

But the most important reason: because they want to! If you want to get bariatric surgery, don’t let anything or any opinion stop you. You are the only one that gets to choose what is right for your life.

The Average Cost of Gastric Bypass

The average cost of gastric bypass surgeries varies based on which type you decide to get. However, the general price point is right around $23,000. Sleeve gastrectomy pricing varies widely depending on where you are in the world but prices go anywhere from $10,000 to $27,000 for this procedure.

It is easy to look at these numbers and run away screaming, but this is a lifetime of happiness, confidence, and health we are talking about here people! Not to mention there is health insurance and even payment plan options available depending on where you go!

Finding Insurance Coverage For the Procedure

If pricing is something you are worried about, which is understandable, given these prices. There are insurance companies that will cover this procedure. In fact, with a simple Google search, you will find over 100 companies that will gladly cover the upfront costs of the procedure.

The Value of Bariatric Surgery: Priceless

Now that you know the surgery is covered by insurance, and the monetary value isn’t all that scary anymore, there are a few other values this surgery brings to the table. These values aren’t so monetary as much as they add to the quality of your life.

You can’t put a price tag on the confidence and self-esteem boost you will inevitably get from the surgery, as well as how comfortable you will feel in your own skin. Not only that, but losing unnecessary weight will boost your health and likely relieve your body of aches and pains it once felt. You simply can’t put a price tag on those values.

It’s time to stop second-guessing your decision and start talking to a professional today!

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